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Offering spiritual seekers education and healing to support wellness and ascension. 


Be Supported

Feel inspired.


Expansive Education

Wellness from Inside-Out.


Rise Up & amplify your impact in the world.


Detach from worry
and limitations.

Whether online or in-person,
through sacred circles, holistic healings, and events, get the support
you've been seeking

for your well-being and for ascension.


Modeling the
Art of
Living in Oneness.


“The combination of teachings (reminders,) meditation and transcendental sound therapy opened me up on a soul level to ride waves deeper into myself to see beyond the trappings of the mind. The powerful result of remembrance of who I truly am created a rippling effect to change my day-to-day dealings with others and myself moving forward. It was a deep rebirth of the Soul Self.”         - Jodi Brown Wentzell


It’s challenging to stay centered,

neutral, and at peace.


We get it.  Life and the Ascension Process are

forcing us to honor that which we must heal.

Maybe you are feeling…


  • exhausted and overwhelmed

  • defeated, depressed, and worried

  • isolated and unsupported

  • anxious and distracted

  • uncertain about your next right steps


The truth is we must journey within to live

to our highest potential.

Who Is GSLC?


Guiding Star Light Center

A supportive, safe, and
Light-filled healing community.

The Guiding Star Light Center (GSLC) in Boone, North Carolina, is nestled in the nurturing surroundings of the Blue Ridge Mountains.


We activate, anchor, and amplify a new frequency of Love for the highest good of all. We provide education and practical support for your inner journey that heals mind, body, and Spirit making it easier to integrate the incoming Living Light.


We help you:

  • free the old patterns that no longer serve you

  • learn to listen to and live from your heart’s wisdom

  • receive and assimilate the new frequencies

  • reclaim your Divine Essence, sovereignty, and birth rights

  • experience Oneness, joy, and inner peace as a way of life

Come gather with us to heal.

Feel seen, safe and connected.


“The sound healing was an incredible immersion into a space of Oneness and Peacefulness. As Suzette played each instrument, I was quickly transported into higher states of consciousness.  I found myself accessing portals to other realms and receiving Light codes as I traveled on the frequencies that were being created by the different sounds. 

It was truly amazing!"    - Diane Jackson


Prepare for Ascension

We invite you to fully liberate your true essence through sacred circles, holistic healings, socials, and educational

and visionary programs with our team.

Seen in holy innocence, you are heard and celebrated at GSLC.

Join our uplifting, loving, and Spiritual family.

Our Extended Unified Community

A global, cosmic collaboration to model Oneness.

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The Arcturian star nation is blessing the Center’s expansion and community development with their ongoing Guidance. A channeled message from the Arcturians:  “The Light center will be a portal for inter-galactic energies to stream through for the participants’ highest good. Holiness is here. There will be streaming of higher vibrational consciousness for awakening, receiving, and absorbing the new incoming Ascension Light. This is a special place to quicken one’s knowledge of their Oneness with the All and be more able to live from that state of consciousness. It’s a center to help you accept this high vibrational energy and dissolve limitations and programming. We amplify the energy to let go of what’s in one’s way of expressing their True nature of Love—the essence of who they are. In joyous service, The Arcturians”



Are you holding the vision of sharing your innermost heart's desire with others and be part of building a new paradigm of what it means to be in community?  Then consider joining us. The Sustainable Oneness Spiritual Alliance (SOSA,) GSLC’s mothership, has been formed for expressly that purpose. We strive to all work as one, to deeply listen to the inner voice, and implement governance practices based on self-referral, mutually shared respect, generosity, and selflessness.

Our Alliance Learning Portal skillfully supports self-empowerment with a like-hearted community: inclusive, respectful, and non-judgmental. Come be seen, heard, and celebrated as we build Oneness communities together!



2020 heralded the creation of the Global Centers for Planetary Awakening (GCPA,) designed to work as an Integrated Auxiliary of the Sustainable Oneness Spiritual Alliance (SOSA).  As the global fundraising, endowment, and supportive arm of SOSA, GCPA operates exclusively for educational and charitable purposes in forwarding the mission of SOSA.

Also in the link below, learn more about the operational form of Global Light Centers and their energetic purpose for planetary and human regeneration.  The call is sounding for their development and expansion!  Could this be yours to do?

What Others Are Saying

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 “The first evening of a weekend program brought a greater understanding of the needs within me; I felt safe to share my pain. On the second day, as I allowed spiritual guidance and healing in, I released more fear and anxiety. I felt rejuvenated, peaceful, and enlightened!”

           - Kathy Parker

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 “When I arrived at Suzette’s, I was feeling anxious and tired from a terrible week at work. Her space immediately set me at ease; as we began I knew I was in the right place. The sound and meditation carried me to a place of total relaxation and opened me to insights that evening and into the days to follow. I can’t wait for the next one!”

           - Lee Aldridge

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“I attended an all-day GSLC program, offered by Suzette Faith Foster, on Healing Relationships which included Sound Immersions. I wanted to release disappointment, anger and hurt. I was able to see and feel the darkness and emotions inside me and release it all to the Light. I immediately felt peaceful, like a weight had been lifted from me; and the peace continued. I so appreciate Suzette’s positivity, love, and caring.”- David Kennedy

How Do I Benefit?


  • expand and strengthen spiritual awareness

  • reduce overwhelm and get greater clarity

  • increase wellness and inner peace

  • connect more with like-minded folks

  • receive guidance from seasoned practitioners

       including our Higher Self Master Teachers

Live in Oneness.

Liberate your True Essence.

Are you feeling called

to explore the new

paradigm of Oneness?


Next Steps


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Stay in Touch

...and receive a FREE 17-minute, divinely-infused-with-activations gong sound healing.  Sound Healing helps you release blocks to feeling peaceful and healthy while expanding your consciousness and vibration.

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“My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.  During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Jeshua / Carolyn Joyce Carty

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